• Start: April 28th, 2022
    End: 28th April 2022
  • Start: 16:30
    End: 6:00pm
  • Parq Vale da Venda,

Members meet Members - Algarve - April 28

Start Date:

April 28th, 2022 16:30

End Date:

6:00pm, 28th April 2022


Algarve Rock Brewery, Unit 2B, Parq Vale da Venda, Faro, 8005-412,


Map: https://goo.gl/maps/9XvRvx2dNDy1i7ab9


More Information:

Facebook Page:


At the IPBN, we recognize the importance of meeting in person— connections made and fostered naturally at an event can often lead to bright successes and productive partnerships, especially when you can toast with your friends, colleagues, and newfound connections throughout the event.

That’s why the IPBN Algarve committee was delighted to invite all our members for another Members meet Members event that took place on Thursday, April 28 from 16h30 to 18h at the Algarve Rock Brewery, where we were all able to connect again in presence and network with existing and new members, and hopefully, brew up some new business opportunities.

One of the newest members to the IPBN, Algarve Rock, generously opened the brewery to us, where we welcomed Paul and his team from Algarve Rock, and other new members to the network. As always in this kind of event, we started with a short welcome from the IPBN, and the introduction of various new members followed with Paul’s presentation of the brewery and its different craft beers. The members who "pitched"/introduced their business were:

Renato Calvão from Six Emotions
Célia Maria da Costa Arménio from Casas do Sotavento
Teresa Dickson from Serenity Algarve
José Ramalhete from Collegium

The event was free of charge and open to members and non members. 

Agenda 2022 - MMM Networking events - SAVE THE DATES

The Members Meet Members (MMM) Networking events are a very important feature in the IPBN calendar. This is where members can introduce themselves and where new connections, business opportunities and partnerships can be created. In order for our members to have the best chance to join us at most of these events, we can already confirm these events until the end of the year. Please find below the agenda and SAVE THE DATES. We will announce the details of each event throughout the year, when you will be able to register.

We will then organise our Master Classes, Conversations with a leader, conferences,etc... around these dates. Hope to see as many of you as possible. 

April 28                MMM Algarve

May 12                MMM Lisbon

June 9                  MMM Porto

June 30               MMM Dublin

Sep 22                 MMM Lisbon

Sep 29                 MMM Algarve

Oct 6                    MMM Porto

Nov 3                   MMM Lisbon

Nov 17                 MMM Algarve

Booking Closed

**Anyone purchasing IPBN Member Tickets must have valid IPBN Membership on the day of the event. If you would like to purchase IPBN membership please go to https://www.ireland-portugal.com/join/. To check your membership status please contact arnold.delville@ireland-portugal.com.