The IPBN is supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland under the ESP Grant programme |
Start Date:
February 8th, 2022 10:00End Date:
11:00am, 8th February 2022Location:
Available Online, Access from Anywhere, Access from AnywhereCountry:
Access from AnywhereThe IPBN is delighted to announce our first Master Class of 2022: “Building A Successful Marketing Strategy,” which will take place on Tuesday, February 8 at 1000 via Zoom with Carole Smith, Online Marketing Coach and Consultant at SynNeo!
Are you a small business owner wanting to grow your business in 2022? Are you struggling to implement marketing strategies due to a lack of time or a fear of getting it wrong?
If you’ve answered yes to the above questions, then this Master Class is for you. We’ll cover easy-to-follow marketing strategies that are aimed at building a solid online presence to attract new customers and grow your revenue.
We’ll cover three topics, 1) how to promote and market your business at home and overseas, 2) how to build a personal brand that supports your business and 3) easy ways to create content without it taking you away from the running of your business.
The Master Class is free and available to both members and non-members. Advance registration is mandatory so that the zoom link can be sent to you the day before the class is held.
Booking Closed