The IPBN is supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland under the ESP Grant programme |
Start Date:
March 17th, 2023 9:00End Date:
1:00pm, 17th March 2023Location:
CCIP - Portuguese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, R. das Portas de Santo Antão 89 , Lisboa, 1169-022, PortugalCountry:
The IPBN is confident that there are myriad opportunities to improve energy efficiency throughout every sector of the economy, whether it is buildings, transportation, industry, energy generation or otherwise.
With this in mind, we assembled an exciting program for the fourth Edition of our annual Sustainability Conference to focus on these solutions while simultaneously exploring the importance of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), the impact of Smart Cities on a greener future, and how technology can aid advancement in that direction.
We were delighted to welcome all speakers, panelists, and moderators as well as H.E.Ralph Victory, the Ambassador of Ireland to Portugal, Mr. Neale Richmond T.D., Ireland’s Minister for Employment Affairs and Retail Business and all the IPBN Executive Partners Brookes Property Group, The Portugal News, Skanstec, Ardanis, Konceptness, and PwC Portugal during St. Patrick's Day, Friday, March 17 from 9h to 13h at the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Portugal (CCIP) in Lisbon.
The agenda of the conference can be found below and there was plenty of time for networking during coffee breaks where members and guests exchanged ideas, views and contacts..
Special thank you to our Sponsors: Konceptness, Fifty Shades Greener, AGREEN Full Cycle Building Management and Enterprise Ireland.
The conference was open to members and non members and was free of charge.
0830 Registration and Welcome coffee
0855 Welcome – Geoffrey Graham, Chair of the IPBN Board of Directors
0900 Opening Remarks by Mr. Neale Richmond T.D., Ireland’s Minister for Employment Affairs and Retail Business (introduced by H.E. Ralph Victory, Ambassador of Ireland to Portugal)
0920 A panel conversation about Energy Efficiency Solutions with guest speakers:
1000 Eco Villages in Portugal that supply their own energy, food and water.
1015 Enterprise Ireland - Energy
1045 Coffee Break
1100 Case Study 1
1115 A panel conversation about Smart Cities with guest speakers
1150 Case Study 2
1220 Will Technology save the future? The impacts of the cloud, software, and technology practices.
1245 Case Study 3
1300 “Link between ESG and profitability exists: New research”.
1330 Networking
1345 End
Booking Closed