Celebrating women shouldn’t just happen once a year, however, it is a good opportunity for us at the IPBN to shine a much-need spotlight on several of our members who have achieved incredible success to date.
Moderated by former Chair of the IPBN Aoife Healy, the second panel focused on "How to Tackle and Create Disruption in the Hospitality Sector." In the words of panelist Sofia Almeida, the overall takeaway is that “We have to adapt. And COVID was proof of that.”
Just as the IPBN found rest and inspiration during our time away, we hope the August break has recharged our members as we have an exciting program ahead that will surely stimulate you further as things go back to business as usual.
Join us on February 22 in Coimbra, a city steeped in history, as the Ireland Portugal Business Network hosts an insightful event delving into the challenges and prospects of talent development, acquisition, and retention in Portugal and Ireland from speakers and the following two panel discussions.