The IPBN is supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland under the ESP Grant programme |
This week on the roundup: St. Patrick's Day, rugby, innovative training, memberships, networking, remote work, personal development, exciting events, fraudulence, padel, newsletters, economic activities, challenges, taxonomy, positive feedback, taxes, e-commerce, invitations, grants, and more!
But first some news from Ireland...
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! The IPBN is currently hosting the 4th annual IPBN Sustainability Conference at the CCIP with a fantastic turnout.
Also, in the Six Nations Rugby Tournament, Ireland is one win away from a historic Grand Chelem!
Finally, IPBN member Core Optimisation reminded us that the Oscars 2023 was a big year for the Irish film Industry. Core Optimisation had a look at the search trends coming up to the big ceremony and when nominees were announced. Were you shocked by interest in these topics surrounding this year's Irish talent at the Oscars?
And now...
IPBN member Surety Bonds' next finalist in the ICE Awards 2023 Fit Out or Refurbishment Up to €5m category (proudly sponsored by Surety Bonds) is the Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre of Excellence (AMTCE) in Dundalk, completed for LMETB by C.J. Callan Construction Ltd. Congratulations on all the innovative training programs in the center!
IPBN member GRID is happy to be a proud member of Guaranteed Irish!
IPBN member Magdalena Osmola thanked IPBN member Sharon Farrell for organizing such a refreshingly different women-only networking event. It was a true pleasure to join such inspirational women in celebrating international women's day at the beautiful In The Pink - Fine Photo Art gallery.
IPBN member Lagos Digital Nomads posted a quote from Econews: "Digital nomads from other European countries, but also Portuguese, are surrendering to the delight of Lagos, in the Algarve, a city where there is a significant community of these remote workers, who are considered the new tourists."
IPBN member Brendan O’Neill shared, "Ever since I started to prioritize my personal development, I’ve looked for ways to reduce the effects of daily stress and restore balance in my body. I’ve used breathwork, qi gong, yoga, Feldenkrais all with varying degrees of success. But the one practice I keep coming back to is TRE (Tension Release Exercises)."
IPBN member Figs on the Funcho shared two forthcoming events: Health and Wellness day on May 23 and a Walking Holiday on May 11.
IPBN member Upwords shared their project of the week. This week’s project is about a very curious topic: Dating apps fraudulence study. This study explored the definition, experiences, and impact of disinformation on online dating platforms beyond deception and romance scams.
IPBN member Lazer is proud to support Team Lazer at the final of the Corporate Padel League 2023 this weekend in Lisbon. Go Team Lazer!
IPBN member Teresa Patricio & Asociados is following the measures announced by the Government under the "More Habitation" program that was subject to public discussion until 13th of March, and they shared that the Government has now announced its extension. You can read more about this in our newsletter on the link below.
IPBN member Andreia Jotta said that The Heroes SME were the theme of today's program Business in Portuguese TSF. Applications end on March 19.
IPBN member Allan Boyle says that setting a strategic direction is often much easier than executing it. "Execution requires good communication, team alignment and focus. And accountability! And teams often get to the end of a quarter or year disappointed that they haven't been able to move the dial much."
IPBN member Joao Esteves says the world is changing and new challenges bring new opportunities. Feel the rhythm, believe in what you like, don’t be afraid of criticism in a constructive way. Bridges between different times are built when you don’t forget who you are but keep your eyes open to something new!
IPBN member Pedro Leão Trigo from Jardim Gonçalves & Associados (JGSA) shared his February Newsletter in which they highlight that the Portuguese State Budget for 2023 introduced the effective taxation on crypto assets transactions. He said, "Our legal team analyses the impact of this measure on US taxpayers with Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) status in Portugal."
IPBN member C-More|Beyond the Obvious asked if you know what the EU Taxonomy is. The EU Taxonomy is a system that categorizes economic activities based on their level of environmental sustainability.
IPBN member Robert Forbes shared a popular estate in Dublin: A 5 Family home with an extra-large garden is available for viewing now.
IPBN member Nuno Pinto said, "It is always a great thing to receive positive feedback from our students...even better if in the process we held them in their journey to a better future! Well done team VP Formação."
IPBN member Techies Go Green asked if you have seen what their signatories have been up to. From launching new products for aiding in sustainability, to achieving carbon-zero status, our signatories are making a huge impact on our world today.
IPBN member Beacon Global Wealth Management shared the Basics of 401(k) Withdrawal Taxes.
IPBN member Monsoon Consulting shared some information from their blog: Cognitive biases and e-commerce: How they can Influence your sales
IPBN member HPA Health Group said, "There is a new X-ray equipment at the São Gonçalo de Lagos Clinic. Its ergonomics and motorized and automatic movements supported by the Artificial Intelligence system improve patient comfort, reducing your need for movement."
IPBN member COM Portugal said that both retirees and those who can work remotely are choosing Portugal as their go-to when relocating. Here are just some of the Lifestyle Factors attracting buyers to Portugal.
IPBN member Aspira invites you to join them on Thursday, 23rd March, 2023 at 12 noon GMT to explore the best ways in which Aspira can help your organization streamline the Project Ideation to Delivery process.
IPBN member Mobiweb asked, "How would you like your office? Full, with a side of Happy People, please! Balance, that's what we should aim for, in work and in life."
IPBN member KRA Renewables is helping to support the green renovation of Irish communities to enable us to meet the 2030 national target, so KRA Renewables is currently accepting applications for the 2023 Communities Energy Grant Process.