Shining Light on Off-Grid Power

A Q&A With Gabriel Naughton of Air Synergy

Shining Light on Off-Grid Power

Air Synergy develops sustainable grid-independent 24/7 power solutions for inaccessible or complex sites through their patented solar and wind-powered hybrid technology. The IPBN is proud to promote the work that our members in the sustainable sector are doing and believe that by working together, we can have a lasting impact. To that end, we had a chat with Air Synergy's General Manager, Gabriel Naughton about a few of his views on the topic of sustainability. 

Was there a Eureka moment for you in deciding to align your life with a company that has taken innovation and sustainability to the next level?

I could not say, in all honesty, that there was a Eureka moment! My personal work situation changed at the end of 2019 (I had been managing an Irish site of a large US Multi-National) and I was looking at new challenges at the beginning of 2020. I was approached by one of the board members of Airsynergy about getting involved in the management of the business and I was really interested in the business for a few reasons: Airsynergy had developed an innovative technology solution for providing off-grid power, they were operating in the sustainable energy sector, and there was a great opportunity to lead a business through scale-up and commercialization.

What future would Air synergy like to see for itself and the world at large?

As a business that has attracted significant investment, the future for Airsynergy is one of successful scale-up and business sustainability.

For the world at Airsynergy would love to see the world leaders make good on the promises that they made in 2015 and that at least some of the 17 Global Sustainable Goals would be realized by 2030.

What can we do to help make the world a better and more sustainable place in our own lives? 

It must start in the classroom through education — involve students in practical initiatives like: Swapping out plastic cups for paper cups, setting up a classroom compost bin and creating compost to use in school garden, and ensuring all blinds in the school are opened to let in natural sunlight, so that there is no need to turn on lights.

Join us at the IPBN Sustainability conference HERE from March 16 - 18! Registration is still open.

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