NOVA SBE is Promising Real and Sustainable Change on Their Road to Impact

Aggressive 2030 goals within the report can set the school apart as a true leader.

NOVA SBE is Promising Real and Sustainable Change on Their Road to Impact

The Nova School of Business and Economics (SBE) Road to Impact Report presents its activities in the academic year of 2019/20, which have been built on the pillars of sustainability and its commitment to the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this recently published document, Nova SBE also presents its commitments to the Six PRME Principles (Principles for Responsible Management Education), of the leading business schools and academic institutions network, according to an article published on NOVA SBE’s website

According to the Dean of the NOVA School of Business and Economics, Daniel Traça, over its 40 years of experience, Nova SBE still strives to do its part in building a better future through recognizing the community’s talent and contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda (SDG). Traça says, “We will continue to co-create alongside NGO leaders, philanthropic organizations, governments, local companies, and communities to tackle this century’s challenges. And we will continue to develop talent worldwide to lead the way for a more sustainable future.”

Luís Veiga Martins, Associate Dean for Community Engagement & Sustainable Impact noted, “Nova SBE is still aligned with the national and international pledges that made a mark on the last decade, namely the financing strategy for ADDIS ABEBA development, the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda, the Paris Agreement, the Portuguese Diversity Letter, the National Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality, the European Green Deal, and the European Circular Economy Action Plan. As the urgency for sustainable development grows higher, finding the role each one of us can play is fundamental.” 

To this end, the school mapped out how certain projects contribute to the SDGs as a call to action to other universities, entities, companies, and societies to be part of the sustainability movement. Their 2030 goals within the report can be summarized as gender equality in affordable education at all levels, increasing employment and entrepreneurship through targeted education, and teaching sustainable development and lifestyle practices that promote peace, global citizenship, and diversity among others.

At the IPBN’s conversation with the Dean last year in October, Traça was excited about the possibility of Portugal and Ireland working together on many fronts, and sustainability could be the axis upon which that partnership can be built out further, and that can range from the classroom to the political arena. He said, “We are two small countries…that have a huge potential internationally so we can help each other and form partnerships together to go around the world…in terms of resources and students going back and forth…I think we should work harder to establish [them.]” 

The Dean also took note of the success of Ireland’s educational system in promoting real change by saying, “I think the Irish success in transforming the education miracle into a growth miracle is something that Portugal has a lot to learn from. I’d love to organize something at some point with the government here for them to understand how [it was done].” 

When asked if there should be a protocol with NOVA SB and the IPBN, Traça said, “I met your Ambassador at another event and we talked about trying to make more of these links.”

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