AGREEN is Changing Attitudes in the Real Estate Sector

A Q&A with Pedro Barata, Business Development Director of AGREEN

AGREEN is Changing Attitudes in the Real Estate Sector

AGREENs current achievements in the engineering, architecture, and technology sectors allow the company to present cross-cutting solutions, tailored to each customer's specificity in the areas of project and facility management, and consultancy. The IPBN is proud to promote the work that our members in the sustainable sector are doing and believe that by working together, we can have a lasting impact. To that end, we had a chat with AGREEN's Business Development Director, Pedro Barata about a few of his views on the topic of sustainability. 

Was there a Eureka moment for you in deciding to align your life with a company that has taken innovation and sustainability to the next level?

Being part of the real estate market and working with different developers or building operators, I know that my work is part of a set of activities that allow the construction or maintenance of a property, which will be used on a daily basis by different users.

However, I believe that we cannot be focused only on the users of the property itself, but also on all those who are affected by the buildings, either through the impact, they cause during construction or the huge resources that are consumed on the building operation. And from that point of view, we are all affected by each and every building. Therefore, for me it is vital, to be linked to an entity that recognizes the need to reduce the environmental impact resulting from the activity of construction and maintaining buildings.

What future would AGREEN like to see for itself and the world at large?

AGREEN is an engineering company that provides technical support to real estate developers and real estate asset managers, working in both project management and facilities management, as “Full Cycle Building Management”.

AGREEN aspires to be an important player in sustainable projects and sustainable building maintenance both in rehabilitation and new construction. And we hope that the real estate sector is the engine for the effective change of attitude that we all need to have in our day to day, and through that contribute to the sustainability of our planet

What can we do to help make the world a better and more sustainable place in our own lives?

We can all think of the big steps that are necessary to achieve a sustainable planet, however everything starts with the smallest gestures. For example: domestic recycling, reducing water consumption, and reusing materials are simple but necessary actions for the environment.

From AGREEN's point of view, we have an obligation to ensure that the simplest things are effectively accomplished and seek to reduce the impact of the property in all the work phases in which we are involved.

Join us at the IPBN Sustainability conference HERE from March 16 - 18! Registration is still open.

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