Desmond O'Neill

Desmond O'Neill

Desmond O'Neill

Managing Director - Allmarket (Ireland) Ltd.

Algarve - Dublin
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Desmond O'Neill

Describe your business in two paragraphs.  
We are an advisory company in the healthcare market providing specialist consultancy services to organisations and companies operating in this sector.

What are your company's Unique Selling Points (USPs) in Portugal or in Ireland or in both markets if present in both?
30+ years of experience and skills in advising companies and organisations in a range of specialist services, from advising on capital markets, joint ventures, licensing opportunities, strategic alliances, and market research.

What achievement/success story(ies) are you most proud of? 
Developing and implementing a global business plan for a product in the smoking cessation market, culminating in successful launches from Portugal, Spain, and Ireland to Turkey and Japan.

What are your business current challenges and in the 2/3 years to come? 
The uncertainty surrounding Brexit poses major planning problems for organisations engaged in the healthcare market in Ireland. In addition the universal government driven initiatives to cut healthcare costs, obviously impacts on businesses working in the sector.

What do you think makes Portugal and/or Ireland an attractive destination to conduct your business? 
Both countries have open market economies, with young enthusiastic well- educated work forces.

What sectors do you think will thrive in Portugal and Ireland in the coming years and why? 
Obviously technology is the industrial revolution of the 21st century, creating employment and fertile environments for budding entrepreneurs. Many high profile global companies have headquarters in Ireland, and the decision to retain the Web Summit in Lisbon reflects on the initiative driven environment, and the enthusiasm of various groupings in each country.

Also Healthcare is a huge industry, and Portugal lends itself to better health and well being, and this creates opportunities for Health Tourism.

What is the best business advice you have ever received? 
Networking, allied to persistence pays off.

How do you think the IPBN can help you achieve your objectives and what do you expect from your IPBN membership?
The IPBN provides a truly valuable networking environment, where like minded people with similar objectives can meet and explore the many opportunities that abound in both countries, and to listen  to, and learn from leaders in every walk in life.

Favourite destinations in Portugal and why?
In Portugal for me it is the North that has both beauty, culture, and unique heritage – Porto, Braga, Viseu,  the Douro valley,  and many more.

Favourite destinations in Ireland and why? 
In Ireland it has to be Counties on the west coast – Galway, Mayo Donegal. Their beauty and tranquillity take some beating.

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