What to Expect at the Breeding Ground for Talent Event in Coimbra

The IPBN's first event in historic Coimbra!

What to Expect at the Breeding Ground for Talent Event in Coimbra

The Ireland Portugal Business Network (IPBN), in association with IPBN members Pink Room, Deemaze Software, and RedLight Software, has organized its first event in the historic city of Coimbra entitled "Breeding Ground for Talent" at TUMO Coimbra (see map) on February 22 from 9h30 to 13h00.

All are invited to register to explore the challenges and opportunities of talent development, acquisition, and retention faced in Portugal and Ireland. Speakers from both countries will discuss the importance of public and private educational institutions, the role of companies in fostering talent, and how businesses can attract and retain the best talent, regardless of their location.

In the aftermath of the 2023 European Year of Skills, the event will also focus on the role of education and training in creating a more skilled workforce in the wake of skill shortages and the potential 50 million decrease in the EU workforce over the next 30 years. Therefore, in light of green and digital transitions, the evolving landscape of AI, and the potential reforms to come as a result, understanding of the potential challenges will be paramount to corporations both large and small.

The highly anticipated "Breeding Ground for Talent" event is part of the IPBN's mission to strengthen the ties between Ireland and Portugal and to create new opportunities for collaboration. The event will commence with a welcome message from the IPBN and Coimbra City Hall, and Her Excellency Alma Ní Choigligh, the new Irish Ambassador to Portugal.

The event will start with two welcoming presentations by Filipa dos Santos Cunha - Director of TUMO Coimbra and our beloved host, and Rachael Milne - Consultant at Ardanis, an IPBN Executive Partner, about "Tomorrow's Skills Today" in IT training.

After a short coffee break, Filipa dos Santos Cunha joins Vanessa Zdanowski - Executive Director at Escola 42, and Phd. Cristina Albuquerque - Vice-Dean at at University of Coimbra, in a panel on "Fostering the Talent of the Future", moderated by John Paul Prior - IPBN Board Member and Chairman of the IPBN Porto Committee. The final panel, "Talent and the Industry," will include Rachel Milne and Gonçalo Quadros - Chairman at Critical Software, chaired by Miguel Antunes - Co-founder at Redlight Software and Nest Collective, both IPBN member companies.

With the backdrop of Coimbra's rich academic heritage, this gathering aspires to catalyse innovative solutions for cultivating rich talent pools.

Registration is now open here.

For more information please contact:

Mario Gago, CEO of Pink Room and IPBN Board member at mario@pinkroom.dev.
Arnold Delville, IPBN General Manager at arnold.delville@ireland-portugal.com


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