Looking Back Part 3: Support and Education

The IPBN learned a lot this year

Looking Back Part 3: Support and Education

Our members are in large majority SMEs and one of our many roles throughout this past year has been to inform the network of all that our membership has to offer. The depth of knowledge and experience from within the network is truly incredible and we are fortunate to have honed in on those particular skills and expertise for the benefit of all. The IPBN has enlisted the help of its members to cover myriad topics including the following:

The IPBN Master Class Series

The IPBN has been working tirelessly to bring an informative series of Master Classes to fruition. Each episode takes a deep look into worthwhile topics like predictable recurring revenue with Anthony Robinson of Loyalty Audit Ltd., IT Cloud-based services with Carlos Justino of MadeIn Web e Mobile, using video in your business with Philippe Brodeur of Overcast HQ, developing your business and team with Gerry Prizeman of Prizeman Consulting, building a successful online marketing strategy with Carole Smith of SynNeo, and how the linguistic experience can boost your business in international markets with Mario Rodrigues of Upwords.

Conversations with Leaders in Education and Beyond

The IPBN arranged a very enlightening conversation with Professor Vieira from the Porto Business School thanks to our growing partnership with the academic world with UAlg in the Algarve. You will find here the recording of the conversation on the IPBN YouTube channel. Likewise, we were also invited to be a keynote speaker for the first Meet the Market at the Algarve TEC Campus as part of the Algarve STP Rocket Launch Cycles conferences: a Training Action on the Irish Market with a view to internationalization aimed at businesses from Start-ups to SMEs. We were thrilled to have been joined remotely from Dublin by John O’Dea, CEO of Tech Ireland, who gave an eye-opening presentation on the Irish Tech Ecosystem.

Aside from growing with educational institutions on Portugal's southern coast, the IPBN has also partnered with the Universidade Europeia in Lisbon which graciously hosted the IPBN's very successful Tourism Conference in September.

Lastly, the IPBN was thrilled to welcome at the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (CCIP) in Lisbon a delegation of MBA students and Professors from the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School as part of The UCD Project Consultancy week in Lisbon in which 80 MBA students participated, and some worked for the following week with three of our members on various projects.


Finally, the IPBN has launched a new Podcast series highlighting topics relevant to our members. Each podcast features the expertise of one of our members, with topics such as Sustainability, doing business and investing in Porto, making the move to Portugal, the Metaverse, Senior housing, healthcare, managing your capital in times of crisis, how can your business thrive, digital nomads, and more. We recommend subscribing to the series here on Spotify so you won't ever miss an episode. 

Want to see more of what the IPBN has been up to this past year? Click here for part one and here for part two of the Looking Back series.

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