IPBN Business Success Nominees in Tourism and Events

IPBN Business Success Nominees in Tourism and Events

In the Tourism and Events sector, several of our members were able to readjust their business models and build out their skillsets to fight the negative effects of social distancing, lockdowns, and closed borders on their businesses. These companies, United Events Global and Quinta dos Vales, in particular, were both able to think on their feet and deserve recognition for their outstanding leadership and business savvy. It's no wonder they were nominated for the IPBN's Business Success Award! Here's why:

United Events Global’s founder Emma Olohan described her company as providing international marketing, global business internationalization, virtual events, hybrid and in-person event project management, and marketing mentoring services. In 2021, United Events Global (UEG) helped several non-profits move their live events to virtual and hybrid events, and in two cases, it provided more visibility, awareness, and reach than the organization had experienced previously. In light of the pandemic, UEG set up two conferences free of charge that provided insights and top research on the future working world, diversity and inclusion in the workplace, the need for professional mentoring and peer circles, and a careers event focused on professionals who wish to change their career or roles mid pandemic. All these events combined brought over 1500 professionals of all career levels, ages, and backgrounds together with over 26 speakers. Emma says, "UEG has organically grown a new area of supporting virtual business networking, awards, conferences, design of mentoring programs and career development workshops for a global audience that may not have the financial affordability to attend these otherwise."

Michael Stock at Quinta dos Vales described the Quinta as first and foremost an Algarve wine estate, launched with a dual focus of wine and art. Fourteen years have passed since its inception and it is now considered the market leader in the Algarve, having won numerous awards for its quality wines and recognition from national and international organizations alike. Two innovative ideas were launched in 2017 simultaneously, one in wine production/ tourism and one on the real estate/ accommodation side. Michael sais, "The Winemaker Experience project was created, a luxury pastime for any true wine-lover: to offer people the opportunity to acquire or rent a vineyard within Quinta dos Vales, becoming small private producers. Simultaneously the development of The Vines was launched in 2017, which was finally finished in 2021. A resort with 32 stunning villa-suites within Quinta dos Vales, available for holiday accommodation, long and short term, and even for private purchase. These two projects ended up being a great combination: These participants can now enjoy a glass of wine on their terrace while looking over the vineyard that grew their grapes." 

Michael went on to tell the IPBN, "It was with great pride that in 2021 the project took a huge leap from having seven private productions in 2020 to now boasting 23 such productions, a significant jump in such a short period of time. The accommodation sector managed to end the year with 70% of this resort sold, both to 3rd party clients as well as to participants of The Winemaker Experience program. As within a period of just 12 months, our business model has seen a huge shift of priorities, strengths & weaknesses. It can very easily be argued that Quinta dos Vales today is a completely different entity to Quinta dos Vales of 2020. A shift that would have normally taken 5-10 years took place almost overnight, simply out of necessity. Now, having survived this trial by fire, we can see this as a huge advantage, as this was the direction in which the company was heading."

If you or your business is interested in learning more about Tourism in the Algarve, on Thursday, February 24, the IPBN Algarve committee will join with the University of Algarve, Algarve STP, and NEST Tourism Innovation Center Portugal to host the "Scaling-up for Tourism" event at the Faculty of Economics at the UAlg Gambelas Campus in Faro, Algarve. We will welcome the President of the Board of the Algarve STP Francisco Serra to introduce the Digital Innovation Hub and Roberto Antunes, Executive Director at NEST to lead attendees through the role of innovation in scaling up Tourism for the new reality in which we are living. Additionally, Hugo Barros of the Algarve STP and the IPBN are hosting Algarve-based tourism startups who will present their businesses.

And if you would like to read about the winner of this year's IPBN Business Award, TireCheck, please click here. To read about the tech, healthcare sectors from which the nominees for the award came, click the individual links above.  

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