Executive Partners Gain More Than Just Appreciation

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Executive Partners Gain More Than Just Appreciation

The IPBN has historically been best known for our networking events and conferences, however, over the last two years, we have been putting more of our efforts into providing quality content for our membership while expanding the network to establish a presence in Porto, Dublin, and the Algarve as well as our home base in Lisbon. We constantly strive to promote the successes and opportunities that abound within the IPBN community keep our members informed. Luckily, the myriad testimonials we have received are telling us that what we are doing is working

It takes a lot of dedication to keep the network growing, and the support of our members is what keeps us focused on doing the job right. But it's our partners who help us to provide these exceptional services and opportunities by virtue of their financial support. However, what we gain from our Executive Partners doesn't just stop at an investment in the network, we gain a point of contact whose ideas and perspectives can help drive the network forward.  

And in return, we can help our partners gain significant visibility from our members through partner roll-ups at our chats with industry leaders, brochure exposure at our one-on-one introductions, a banner on every newsletter and invitation, targeted videos, interviews and articles, a mention on all podcasts, and more. Together we can promote member activities, products, and services and create new business opportunities, assist Irish entrances to the Portuguese market (and vice versa), and help government agencies enhance trade links between the two countries. There is so much to be gained and so many rewards to be collected.

In addition to the above, the IPBN will highlight Executive Partner support at all of our events both on- and off-line, including Members meet Members networking events in Lisbon, Porto, the Algarve, and Dublin, online Master Classes, conferences by sector (Sustainability, Tourism, and Tech), online Panel discussions, and of course, on the IPBN website

Becoming an IPBN Executive Partner means more to your business than just visibility, it shows that you value the support of a large and growing network made up of members from dozens of sectors. If you or your company is interested in finding out more, please contact the IPBN General Manager Arnold Delville at arnold.delville@ireland-portugal.com.

Executive Partners