The IPBN is supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland under the ESP Grant programme |
We provide Funding Solutions for Investment Projects within the field of Financial Incentives like Portugal2020, Tax Benefits, Foreign Investment, Mentoring and Support to Business Activity.
Our services create opportunities, stimulating and capacitating the Portuguese business fabric, optimizing financing opportunities, management, networking and enhancing synergies, through personalized monitoring and remote assistance, ensuring the most effective strategy for each project.
ACT Solutions is composed of a multidisciplinary team aggregating human resource profiles holding higher education and professional experience in the area of Law, Business and Financial Management, Accounting, as well as several Engineering fields, designed to develop and monitor Investment Projects in the field of Financial Incentives, Tax Benefits and transversal areas of business activity, with special emphasis on Start Ups.
We maintain an international presence through a network of partnerships covering a wide range of added values and access to investors in Europe, America and Australia.