Joining the Ireland Portugal Business network means building connections within our communities. We move the dial on trust and credibility, as the network is a time-tested and proven place for every business, whether you are a large corporation, a SME, a Start-Up or an entrepreneur, who want to create new business opportunities and build strategic partnerships with other business people in Portugal and in Ireland.
Not only is the network present and active in Portugal and Ireland major cities, but we are also part of innovative and entrepreneurship hubs spreading in areas such as Braga and Coimbra in Portugal and Cork , Galway and Belfast in Ireland. Our growing partnerships with leading universities also means that the network's reach is more than just two countries: it is GLOBAL, thanks to our active international members, our well connected Board of Directors and the IPBN operation managers whose collective expertise goes beyond borders.
IPBN is unique as it is the only independent organisation recognised by the Portuguese and Irish Governments and State organisations to provide such cross country facilitation.
The IPBN fosters cross country business opportunities and partnerships through various routes:
We are about connecting our members and giving you as much value as we can. Get in touch with us to find out how the IPBN can help you find new business opportunities and create strategic partnerships, which will transform your business.
The opportunity for you to participate in variety of different events that help you to meet the people running businesses in the Portuguese or Irish markets, allowing you to promote your business and connect with other businesses to find opportunities to work or develop ideas.